Welcome to the world of difference with Magical Mary Case!


Access Consciousness X-Men Facilitator & Coach for Neurodivergent Thinkers

 What if you were able to turn all the judgements of yourself into awareness of your greatness?

Would that bring more ease to your life and living? 

Unlocking the Greatness of YOU! 

These workshops provide simple tools to give all Neurodivergent Thinkers access to more space, ease and comfort in day-to-day living. Whether you have stumbled on some ADHD or ADD capacities that you feel may be limiting you, are living with children or adults who are somewhere on the spectrum, or working with any level of autistic children - this information is priceless. 

As a retired qualified elementary school music teacher and Certified Access Consciousness X-Men Facilitator, I have the ability to help move you beyond your limitation and rediscover your capacities. 

Whether it is through a workshop, vent or private sessions my aim is to make life easier for you to handle. I'm always open to having a conversation about what will work best for you.   

5-Week X-Men Private Coaching Program (1:1)

5-Week Coaching Program

If you aren't sure yet if you have some of these capacities - why not take my Quiz and see if you are also a Neurodivergent Thinker? 

After the quiz you will receive 6 emails each with a video and tool you can use to navigate life wth even more ease and space. 

Athlete, Musician, Retired Teacher, Certified Business and Life Coach. 

What capacities can I help you unlock?

Confessions of an X-Men Teacher

The greatest gift that I give my students as an X-Men teacher is my willingness to be the space of no judgement, to show them a different possibility in music and in life...

Read the full blog here

What 40 years performing has taught me 

I realized tonight that I have been performing professionally for over forty years.

I remember being a young professional, looking on ....

Read the full blog here

On my way to Mt. Tremblant - 41 weeks to go!!

September 7th, 2022.  My training peaks calendar tells me that it is 41 weeks until the event...

Read the full blog here