Day 1 on my road to Mt. Tremblant

Aug 19, 2022

Today after thoughtful discussions with my body, I pressed a button. The button said submit. And then just like that, it was done. I was registered for the Mt. Tremblant 70.3 Half Ironman race.

This has been a dream of mine for a long time. I have participated in and not completed two events of this distance Muskoka and Traverse City, stories for another day) and there is some unfinished business.

July 30th 2022 - Today is day 1 of 245.
A diary of communication with my body - of negotiations I am sure, of nutrition and training and of choices to use the tools of the Access Consciousness of which I am a facilitator, to create ease and awareness .

Today I swam at lakeside. Twenty minutes. It was glorious. An easy pace with no wet suit. I followed it with an easy 20k flat bike. My first workout since tearing my foot ligaments a month ago. This beautiful. Miraculous body healed quickly and I was thrilled to be back in action. No running yet, but coming soon.

I deliver no promises for daily posts.. perhaps weekly will unfold, but I do invite you to join me in this journey as it unfolds

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