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Do you see the world through a different lens? 

Have you started to discover you are different? Are you uncovering new capacities and acknowledging that you do not create in the same way as everyone else?

Have you perhaps been labelled ADD, ADHD, OCD or with Autism Spectrum Disorder?

When you start to recognize how unique you are - without any judgment - the possibility to be YOU and create YOUR life according to what works for you can look completely different.

Are you ready to explore YOUR DIFFERENCE?
Are you ready to explore THE POSSIBILITIES that await you? 

Yes, I would like a Private Session

Together we'll unlock  your potency, your difference and your contribution. 

As a Neurodivergent Thinker myself, I am aware of the impact of the choices I have made over the years to view my challenges and differences as strengths. I am grateful to have reached a space where I recognise that I don't have to fix myself anymore.

I now embrace my “challenges” and turn the associated capacities into creations. One of my most inspiring creations is being able to work alongside non-verbal young adults whose invitation to energetic communication provide a window to a much higher level of thinking.

If you know that energy is actually your first language, if you know that you create in a very different way, then you will find a pleasant home amongst the other Neurodivergent Thinkers I work with.

Creating Mary Case Energetics is my gift to finding something different for everyone facing these battles -  so you can learn from me what it took me so long to discover. 



Private Sessions

If you know that energy is your primary language then you will feel at home in these private sessions. 

These one-on-one sessions are yours to use to create YOUR specific possibilities. Connecting with what you know is possible. Empowering you to unlock your potency, creativity and possibilities beyond the labels you and others may have chosen to use to control you.  

1 Hour Session - $150 CAD

Book a Session

X-Men 1 Day Class

The Undiscovered Possibility Class

What if many of the labels and so-called disabilities that exist, such as OCD, Autism, ADD, ADHD, are not disabilities at all?

If we look at these from question and not judgment, what more can be discovered? 

In this Access Consciousness 1 day class you will receive a complete manual and full recording of the class replays are provided.

Classes Coming soon

X-Men Intro Class

An Exploration

A deeper dive into exploring what X-Men are in the world, in all areas; school, work life, and relationships to name a few.

Where is it you make you wrong and negate you to fit into the world around you?
What if you could celebrate that greatness?

In these 2-4 hour intros you will receive a workbook and replays of the call recordings.  

Classes Coming soon

Neurodiversity touches every aspect of our lives 

The Access Athlete Meets Handel's Messiah

Dec 27, 2022

The gift of my swim beyond trepidation

Aug 28, 2023

More about Mary

Mary Case of Mary Case Energetics, is an Access Consciousness Facilitator, an energetic body worker, elementary school music teacher,  violinist, triathlete and much more.  Her passion for teaching, music, sports, and, more recently, working with kids and adults labelled with ADD, ADHD, OCD and Autism Spectrum Disorder, has taken her in many different directions including world travel, competitions, and tours. 

As an X-Men Facilitator with Access Consciousness, Mary encourages people to look beyond labels to the gifts and brilliance of being different.  Mary’s superpower is her capacity for play in the area of non-verbal communication and in the energetics of creation.

"What it's like having Mary facilitate you?" 


Upcoming Classes 

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Albert Einstein

Would You Teach a Fish to Climb a Tree? A Different Take on Kids with ADD, ADHD, OCD and Autism provides us with a refreshing and new perspective on these children who are so different from their peers. Co-authored by three practitioners who have had remarkable success working with them, this book is filled with practical tools, stories, observations, and life changing questions that can be used by anyone who has one of these kids in their life and who is looking for something different.

These children are magical and you are sure to fall in love with many of them. There are many magical adults as well ... those who are willing to step beyond what so many experts in the field advocate, into what they actually know to be effective with the children. Parents and siblings and relatives; teachers and therapists and administrators; peers and loved ones and friends ... all will benefit from this groundbreaking book.

Purchase your copy here