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Private Sessions

How do YOU define success?

Are you an athlete who is constantly judging your progress, your body, your results?
Do you desire more ease in training and competition?
Are you currently functioning from the verdict of what you can or cannot do, your speed, your progress, your body?
Are you willing to start creating a judgement free training solution in your life?  

An athlete is a person who competes in one or more sports that involve physical strength, speed or endurance.


The Non-Race Race with Mary Case!

Never give up, never give in, never quit.

There I was, standing at the water’s edge with three thousand other triathletes. There had been years of training leading up to this moment in my life. 

My bike was racked, ready for those challenging hills, my running shoes were ready for a half marathon, there was excitement and trepidation radiated from me like sunray’s beaming through clouds. I was ready to go.  

There was a forest fire in Northern Quebec and as the winds shifted, the air quality at Mt. Tremblant was drastically affected. It was determined that it was unsafe to race, and the event was cancelled. 

You are invited to hear more about my adventures before, after and during this event. How I stayed positive and what choices I made along the way. How I put into place my own life coaching tools and what I learned and possibly what I might chose in the future. 

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 Join Mary and her fantastic community on her Facebook Page "The Access Athlete"

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What Judgement Free Training Looks Like


Interested in a Private Session with Mary?

Mindset coaching for athletes, musicians and anyone else desiring to bring greater ease and less judgement to their training.

What would contribute to your performance?

  • Get out of your head and into your body

  • Have more fun with competition

  • Create ease with your performance

  • Renew your motivation